Screaming Frog Download For Mac

Everyone in the SEO industry agrees that Screaming Frog is one of the most essential SEO tools. A tool where the majority of us cut our teeth with technical SEO and is used as a gateway to larger more enterprise solutions such as Oncrawl or Botify. Another thing you may not know, is that Screaming Frog is also a great tool for triggering localisation on Goolge maps. As such, for those in the local SEO business, you should pay particular attention to the following.

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate download button for your operating system and then running the installer. The SEO Spider is available for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu Linux. The SEO Spider is not available for Windows XP. The minimum specification is a 64-bit OS with at least 4gb of RAM available. Semrush is one of the best SEO tools for Mac users. It offers over 50 SEO tools under one.

That being said, it isn’t perfect. One of the more annoying things about using Screaming Frog if you are on a Mac, is that you can’t open multiple instances or windows from the dock/launchpad/desktop.

Omi Sido recently tweeted the terminal command to open multiple instances of Screaming Frog. While helpful, it can be developed further for a bit more functionality, in the long run, saving you precious seconds.

How to launch multiple instances of Screaming Frog using the terminal

Rather than copying Omi, here is another way to do it:

  1. Open terminal
  2. Type Open -n -a “screaming frog SEO spider”

*Disclaimer, if you have renamed the Screaming Frog app you will need to change the text within the speech marks.

While opening SF with the terminal is pretty straight forward, it’s just a bit impractical – think of all the lost seconds compared to just launching it from the desktop or dock. Below is our solution…

How to create an executable desktop or dock icon for multiple instances of Screaming Frog

Using the above we now just want to be able to execute the above from our desktop/dock/launchpad.

  1. We need to create a .txt file with our command
    1. Open TextEdit
    2. Copy and paste:
      Open -n -a 'screaming frog SEO spider'
    3. Save to desktop as a .command file
      1. For example Screaming Froggy.command
    4. Now we have the .command file we need to make it executable
      1. Open terminal
      2. Type chmod u+x
        1. Remember to add a space after the x
      3. Drag your shell file into the terminal window (after typing the above), which should give you something like…
        1. chmod u+x /users/you/desktop/screaming froggy.command
      4. Hit enter
    5. Rejoice and open your screaming frog executable desktop icon
    6. To now close the terminal after the successful opening of an instance of SF we need to do the following
      1. Open terminal
      2. Navigate to preferences
      3. Within the upper left tabs navigate to profile
      4. Then in the central tabs navigate to shell
      5. Under the drop down “when the shell exits” change to “close if the shell exited cleanly”

You should now have an executable command that can be placed on your desktop or dock, which continually opens SF instances till your heart is content or your Mac implodes.

Bonus tip – Changing the icon image

  1. Save down a PNG or JPG of your choosing
    1. Link to the SF logo – From Twitter
  2. Open the image, in a preview
  3. In the top nav, Select all > copy
  4. Navigate back to the desktop and right-click on your executable file and select “Get info”
  5. In the top right click the small icon/image of the file and press cmd+v

You should now have an executable file with your own custom image.

Many factors play key roles in a website’s search engine ranking, including keywords and backlinks. But a site structure that makes crawls simpler for search engine bots is also essential.

Indexing allows a website to show up in search results, and to make that happen, bots should be able to effectively crawl your site. Looking for an unindexed site is next to impossible (unless a recent indexing glitch has happened), and it would make the site practically non-existent since it can’t be found anywhere on the web.

And that’s why a site structure that enables efficient crawls is a vital part of a successful on-page SEO strategy.

SEO experts use various tools to ensure that search engine bots can crawl and index websites. Screaming Frog is one of these tools — it’s a web crawler that helps you audit your site and gives you insights on its performance.

The software might be tricky to use if you’re starting out, but don’t fret. Our in-depth Screaming Frog guide will help you explore and use the tool to your advantage.

What is Screaming Frog?

Screenshot from Screaming Frog on YouTube

Screaming Frog works like Google’s crawlers: it lets you crawl any website, including e-commerce sites. But this SEO spider tool takes crawling up by a notch by giving you relevant on-site data and creating digestible statistics and reports. With simpler site data from Screaming Frog, you can easily see which areas your website needs to work on.

The Screaming Frog software can help you perform the following tasks for your SEO efforts:

  • Broken link searches
  • Temporary and permanent redirect searches
  • Metadata analysis
  • Duplicate content searches
  • Review robots.txt and other directives
  • XML sitemap creation
  • Site architecture analysis

And of course, you can do a lot more with Screaming Frog. We’ll cover these extra features in another section.

Getting Started with Screaming Frog

Installing the software

Before performing any site crawls through the Screaming Frog SEO spider tool, you’ll need to install the software on your computer. You can download the tool from Screaming Frog’s website.

The software works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Here’s how to install Screaming Frog on any of these systems:


  1. Find the Screaming Frog installer in your Downloads folder.
  2. Double-click on the installer.
  3. Click “Yes” on the User Account Control screen to continue installing the software.
  4. Choose your installation type, then click the “Install” button.
  5. Once the software finishes installing, click “Close”.


  1. Go to the Downloads folder in Finder.
  2. Double-click on the installer.
  3. A new window with the software’s icon and Applications folder will then appear on your screen. Click the Screaming Frog icon and drag it to the Applications folder.
  4. Close the window.
  5. Go to Finder and look for the “ScreamingFrogSEOSpider” name in the Devices list.
  6. Click the eject icon next to the installer name to finish the installation.


You can use the Ubuntu user interface or command line function to install Screaming Frog on your computer.

Ubuntu User Interface
  1. Double-click on the software’s .deb file.
  2. Choose “Install”, then enter your password.
  3. Accept the ttf-mscorefonts-install license before installing Screaming Frog.
  4. Wait until your computer finishes installing the software.
Command Line

1. Type the following command in an open terminal window:

Screenshot from Screaming Frog

2. Enter your password.

3. Type Y to continue installing the software and accept the ttf-mscorefonts-install End User License Agreement (EULA).

Do keep in mind that you’re installing a free version of Screaming Frog. The free version lets you crawl a maximum of 500 URLs, and you’ll need a license to crawl more websites. You can buy a software license on the Screaming Frog website.

To start using Screaming Frog’s premium version, go to the License menu. Click on the “Enter License” option and type in your license key. You should see a dialog box that shows the license’s validity and its expiry date.

Studying the user interface

Screenshot from Screaming Frog on YouTube

After installing the Screaming Frog tool, it’s best to study the software’s menus, options, and settings. Let’s take a closer look at the different menus and settings that you can use.


This menu lets you save a crawl as a file and see your last six (6) crawls you performed if you haven’t saved them yet. Plus, the File menu will let you set default settings for the software.


Screaming frog seo tool

If you’re after custom crawl settings, Screaming Frog’s Configuration menu allows you to set and adjust those options. You can use the options below to customize your crawl settings.

  • Spider – With the Spider option, you can pick content for crawling and data for reporting.
  • Include & Exclude– This option lets you include and exclude specific URLs in the crawl.
  • API Access– Select this option to integrate Google Analytics or Google Search Console into site crawls.

Bulk Export

As its name suggests, the Bulk Export menu lets you export multiple URLs. Screaming Frog will accept links with various site elements, including:

  • Response codes
  • Directives
  • Inlinks
  • Anchor text
  • Images



The Reports menu creates downloadable crawl overviews and on-site data reports. You can use these reports in your SEO audits.


With this menu, you can create your website’s sitemap. You’ll learn more about constructing sitemaps in the latter part of this Screaming Frog SEO tutorial.

Setting up your device’s memory & storage

Screenshot from Screaming Frog on YouTube

Site crawls apply to big and small websites. But crawling larger websites consumes more memory and processing power. With Screaming Frog, you can allot a certain amount of your device’s memory for crawling websites. The software has database and RAM storage modes for this purpose.

Screaming Frog’s database storage mode is ideal for users with solid-state drives (SSDs). To use the mode, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Configuration menu.
  2. Select the System option, then click Storage.
  3. Select the Database Storage Mode option.

Meanwhile, users without SSDs can settle for the RAM storage mode, with a default setting of 1GB RAM for 32-bit computers and 2GB RAM for 64-bit devices. A lower RAM prevents freezing and crashes while crawling with Screaming Frog.

But if you want to allocate more RAM for crawls, you can change the default RAM setting to a higher number. The changes will apply after you restart Screaming Frog.

Configuring settings

Screenshot from Screaming Frog on YouTube

Screaming Frog already follows default settings for site crawls. But you can tweak these settings and collect specific data using the software’s numerous tools. By using these tools, your crawls will take up less time and processing power. You can customize your settings from the Configuration menu.

Customizing windows and columns

Screenshot from Screaming Frog on YouTube

Along with customizing settings, Screaming Frog lets you tweak windows and columns for easier access. When you run the software, you’ll see three (3) windows, and the right-side column allows you to access SEO elements and filters. On the other hand, you’ll find a window directly below the main that displays specific web page data.

Adjusting window sizes is a great way to customize your view in Screaming Frog. You can resize windows by dragging them to your desired size. Plus, the software will let you customize columns any way you want.

Clicking and dragging a column will move it to your desired position, while clicking a column will sort your data. For instance, if you want to sort your columns by number, you can simply click on the column and the software will arrange the numbers from highest to lowest.

Using Screaming Frog for Basic SEO Tasks

Screaming Frog stands out from other SEO tools because it lets you search, filter, and customize your crawls. It also offers a wealth of benefits, from analyzing site enhancements and errors to filtering the way your webpages show up.

From website crawls to sitemap creation, here’s how to perform some SEO tasks in Screaming Frog.

Crawling a website

  • Click the Configuration menu, then select the Spider option.
  • Check the “Crawl all subdomains” option in the configuration menu. You can also select any other options if you’re crawling media or scripts.
  • Start the crawl and wait until it is completed.
  • Once the software finishes crawling, click on the Internal tab.
  • Filter your results by HTML, then export the data.

Performing link audits

  • Check “Crawl all subdomains” in the Spider configuration menu. You may leave CSS, images, Javascript, Flash, any other irrelevant options unchecked.
  • If you’re crawling nofollow links, check the corresponding boxes accordingly.
  • Start your crawl and wait for it to end.
  • Export your results to a CSV file by clicking the Advanced Report menu, then the “All Links” option.

Performing content audits

  • Perform a full site crawl, then go to the Internal tab.
  • Use the HTML filter, then sort the word count column from low to high.
  • Go to the Images tab. On the tab, you can search for images without alt texts when using the “missing alt text” filter.
  • Go to the Page Titles tab, then filter for meta titles with over 70 characters. You can also locate duplicate meta titles on this tab.
  • Spot duplication issues with the duplicate filter in the URL tab. This filter also applies to duplicate meta descriptions and duplicate pages with different titles in the meta description tab.
  • The URL tab will also let you pick pages with non-standard or unreadable URLs. You can then fix these pages.
  • Last but not least, you can spot pages or links with directives on the Directives tab.

Creating an XML sitemap

  • Conduct a complete crawl of your website and subdomains.
  • Select the Advanced Export menu, then click “XML Sitemap”. The option turns your sitemap into an editable Excel table.
  • Once you’ve opened the file, click the “read online” option.
  • Then, click the “open as an SML table” option. You can now edit your sitemap online, save it in the XML format, and upload it to Google.

Screaming Frog Download For Mac Free

Other Useful Screaming Frog Features

Most of the time, you can just crawl websites with Screaming Frog’s basic tools. But as you explore the software, you’ll find more helpful features for site crawls. Here are some of its other features you might have missed:

  • Crawling support for staging sites – Along with live websites, Screaming Frog will allow you to crawl staging sites. But you’ll need to enter your login credentials before you can start.
  • Compare and run multiple crawls– You can run Screaming Frog in multiple windows and crawl multiple websites (and compare these crawls at the same time).
  • Crawling support for web forms– Screaming Frog isn’t just for crawling websites — it can also crawl web forms. Access this feature by heading over to Configuration > Authentication > Forms Based to start a form crawl.
  • All Anchor Text option– This feature under the Bulk Export menu includes all of your website’s anchor text in a CSV file. It also shows you the text’s locations and links.
  • Crawl Analysis– The Crawl Analysis feature helps calculate link scores. Other filters may also require calculation after you crawl your website.

Screaming Frog Download For Mac Download

Improve Search Rankings with In-Depth SEO Audits

Screaming Frog Free Download

SEO audits help you identify possible changes to your website’s various elements. This way, you can climb to the top of the search ladder and surpass your competitors. Plus, you can use insights from your audits to improve UX and other technical elements of your site.

With a reliable partner on your side, you can get a closer look at your site performance and find out how you can improve it further. Get in touch with Growth Rocket today and we’ll help you slowly make your way to the top of the search rankings.